September 10, 2016

Raspberry Pi Temperature Tracking Shell Script

 So I've been bitten by the Raspberry Pi bug and put together a device to monitor my own network.  I have several tools loaded and run the device 24x7.  I noticed the device running a bit warm so I wanted to track the temperature over time.  Below is the simple shell script I put together to run via crontab as root.  The script will output the date/time along with the CPU temperature in Fahrenheit.

 During my initial setup I was running closer to 130 degrees but was able to substantially drop the temperature by purchasing a new case from Amazon.  I did take the advice of one reviewer and forced the air onto the CPU, seems to have done the trick.  I am also using a copper heatsink for extra measure.  I've attached the links for both the case and heatsink I used below.


DATE=`date "+%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"`
CELTMP=`/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp|cut -f2 -d"="|cut -f1 -d"'"`
FAR=$(echo "scale=2;((9/5) * ${CELTMP}) + 32" |bc)
#echo "${FAR}'F"
#echo "${CELTMP}'C"
echo "${DATE}:  ${FAR}" >> CPU.temp.txt

Raspberry Pi case and heatsink links.


--JR Miller

Opening thoughts

A Blog dedicated to my thoughts on computers and music.  I hope to post items useful to others in the future.  My main interests are network management and guitar.  I currently administer enterprise network management systems running on Linux and enjoy playing with all sorts of guitar pedals in my spare time.

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